2/$5 Bucked Up Energy
Head to Kum & Go to reach enhanced endurance with Bucked Up Energy. Right now, snag any two 16-ounce cans for only $5

Enhanced Endurance & Performance
Unleash your potential with Bucked Up Energy. Featuring a blend of caffeine, beta-alanine, and other performance-boosting ingredients, Bucked Up Energy is engineered to elevate your endurance and keep you in the zone. Whether you're powering through an intense workout, staying sharp at work or simply fueling your daily grind, Bucked Up Energy is designed to help you push past limits and perform at your peak.

Don’t Miss Out on Savings!
Rack up 25 Bonus &Rewards Points on every Bucked Up Energy purchase with &Rewards. Download the Kum & Go app to take full advantage of savings, freebies and deals. Check out the app or kumandgo.com for details.